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General specifications 14308, v20241017

Housing Reinforced plastic injection molded (Faradex DS, black, EMI shielded by stainless steel fiber in PC)
Dimensions (indicative) 60x50x27 mm
Mounting Not included: M5 pan head screws. Mounting on flat surface only. Screw with care
Ingress Protection (IEC 60529) IP67, IP69K (with IP69K mating connector)
Relative humidity 0 – 95% (non condensing, housing fully potted)
Weight approx. 110 gram
Supply voltage 12- 32 V dc
Polarity protection Yes
Current consumption ≤ 25 mA
Operating temperature -40 .. +80 °C
Storage temperature -40 .. +85 °C
Measuring range Factory defaults: ± 90°
Centering function Yes (5 V = 0°), range: ±5°
Frequency response (-3dB) 0 – 10 Hz
Accuracy (overall @20°C) 0,1° typ.
Offset error ± 0,05° typ. (± 0.1° 2σ) after zero adjustment
Non linearity ± 0,08° typ., ± 0,15° 2σ, ± 0,2° max.
Sensitivity error not applicable. Repeatability 0,05°
Resolution 0,01°
Temperature coefficient ±0,3° typ., ±0,5° 2 sigma (over full temperature range)
Max mechanical shock 10,000g (max 0,2ms, non-repetitive)
Output 0 – 10 V
Output load Rload ≥20kΩ, Cload ≤20 nF
Short circuit protection Yes
Output refresh rate 10 ms
Programming options Factory programmable (measuring range, filtering)



Transfer characteristic
Uout = 5 + 5*(α/90) [V]

clipping outside measuring range


Zero adjustment: eliminate mech. offsets

Connect zero adjustment input to ground (>0,5sec) within 1 min. after power up. Normally this input should be left unconnected or permanent connected to Gnd




Measurement orientation

Default 0°: horizontal (label upwards), no acceleration applied.


Cross tilt sensitivity error:

< (0,12 * cross tilt angle)² % typ.


→ one axis <10° tilt for max.


→ only one axis may exceed 45° tilt




Connectivity (cable length ±10%)



M12 male 5p A-coding connector (Brass Nickel coated, contacts copper alloy)
Wire / pin coding


Pin 1: + Supply voltage
Pin 2: Output Y
Pin 3: Gnd
Pin 4: Output X
Pin 5: Zero adjustment input



Mechanical dimensions (indicative only)


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